Sunday, January 9, 2011

Green Resolutions

Each year Mark and I are trying to some extra things to help the environment by reducing our carbon footprint.  Here are some past resolutions we've made (and so far kept) along with this years.  By taking small steps to help the environment it becomes more manageable and less overwhelming.  Every little bit counts!

Change all the light bulbs in the house to CFL bulbs
Improve the insulation in the attic
Insulate hot water pipes
Get a programable thermostat to reduce energy use when we're not home
Bring reusable bags for shopping

Eat local as much as possible
Eat less meat
Use washable cloth napkins instead of paper
Use rags instead of paper towels
Start composting
Add low flow faucets and toilet during home rennovations

Improve water conservation
Ride our bikes to run errands on weekends
Watch less TV/use computer less for entertainment.  Instead: play board games, cards, puzzles, cook
Bring small reusable bags for bulk foods

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