Discovering Kohl Slaw
When I first signed up for my CSA last year I thought "it's going to be tough to not decide on what I get every week like I do at the grocery store". But it turned out to be great! It was like an Iron Chef competition every week... And the secret ingredient is.... KOHLRABI!!! "What the heck is that???" I wondered as I first stared at the green ball with chutes sticking out all over it. Luckily there is a list of what is in your CSA box each week- so I was able to determine that it was a Kohlrabi. I found a great recipe for Kohlrabi Cole-Slaw (aka Kohl Slaw) online. Had I not had a farm share I could have gone my whole life without getting to know about the Kohlrabi.
It can be quite difficult to transition from shopping for ingredients that suite your recipes to shopping for recipes that suite your ingredients. There are some great cookbooks that help you with the switch to eating seasonal. One of my favorites is Simply in Season. It sorts the recipes by season, and by key ingredients. So if you have a pile of green onions and radishes, the book has some great ideas for what to do with them.
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